Enjoying nature means battling the elements. While this might conjure images of fending off the chill of a cold winter’s day, precautions must also be taken to ensure that dry, hot days don’t overwhelm us too, especially when we are enjoying our favorite outdoor activities.
Thankfully, there are a number of accessories that make managing the seasons much easier, allowing individuals to be comfortable and safe, no matter what the climate. Today, we’re sharing six of our favorites.
Dry Pouch
If you’re planning on spending time outdoors during the colder months, you’ll want to ensure that your essential belongings are kept dry. Dry pouches are compact containers that will ensure your important items are not only kept together and organized but free from weather-related damage too. Often they come with various locks too, making them ideal accessories for valuables that you don’t want to risk losing or getting stolen.
Water Boots
Getting into the water during winter can be tough and it’s important that extra measures are taken, especially if you’re planning to stand on aboard. Water boots not only keep your feet warm and dry but they’ll ensure that you can maintain a steady grip when surfing and paddling too. Affectionately known as wetsuit booties, various models will be appropriate for different activities, with split toe designs being the most popular among surfers.
Changing Robe
Once you step out of the water on a cold day, it’s a race against time before the freeze steps in. Getting dry is the most important step, which is why changing robes are essential. These absorbent robes allow you to acclimatize and change in comfort. Then, on warmer days, they simply act as a safe and private way to change in public. Just ensure that, when it comes to their design and features, you know which is best for you.
Hydration Pack
No matter how hot or cold the season is, you must remain hydrated. Many individuals, in fact, neglect to drink as much during colder months, not realizing that they can experience dehydration in the same way as on a hot day. A water bottle is an excellent accessory to have but it is a hydration pack that will allow you to carry much more and often with ease too, with a design that integrates into a backpack.
Much like staying hydrated, UV damage and excessive brightness are risks confined entirely to summer. In fact, around water and snow, sunlight can cause risks even on very cold days. This is why it is a great idea to invest in high-quality sunglasses and to keep them with you across all landscapes and seasons.
GPS Device
Having a GPS device, one that is reliable and with long battery life, is a brilliant asset to those who want to immerse themselves in new environments. Whether climbing a new mountain, exploring a new trail, or paddling to a remote shore, being able to track and, importantly, share your location with others is paramount for navigation and safety.